Friday, March 1, 2013

Powerful Methods To Get Better At Cabozantinib Capecitabine Just Like A Champ

The identication of peak 19 as oleuropein was corroborated by detection with the molecular ion at m/z 539 and its aglycone fragment at m/z 377.

By retrieving of literature data, peak 7 was identied Cabozantinib as oleuropein aglycone. Among 51 analytes, there are six phenolic acids and three diterpenoids originated from Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza. Phenolic acids could be classied into monomer and polymer. Polymers could be composed of one or several different monomers such as danshensu, caffeic acid or others. In the MS2 spectra of three monomer standards, including small molecules such as CO2, CO and H2O were produced in the fragmentation pathways, which indicated the presence of carboxyl, carbonyl or hydroxyl groups. Danshensu showed a ion at m/z 197, and produced m/z 179 and m/z 135. Similar to danshensu, both of the ions at m/z 137 of protocatechuic aldehyde and m/z 153 of protocatechuic acid produced the same ion at m/z 109 corresponding to the loss of CO and CO2, respectively.

Rhizoma Coptids alkaloids, which were the most abundant NSCLC constituents in the alcohol extra of FTZ, exhibited a special fragmentation pathway in the positive ion mode. It is well known that loss the neutral species such as CO, CH3, CH4 and CH2O were observed in the MS2 spectra of Rhizoma Coptids alkaloids. Peak 23 showed a molecular ion at m/z 336 in MS spectra, and exhibited some ions at m/z 234 in MS2 spectra, showing the neutral loss of CO, CH3, CH4 and CH2O in the fragmentation pathway. These data are typical for the Rhizoma Coptids alkaloids in the present study and consistent with those in the literature. Thus, the compound was identied as berberine. Similarly, peaks 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 39 were identied as magnoorine, thalifendine, columbamine, epiberberine, coptisine, jatrorrhizine, berberrubine, palmatine, dehydrocorydaline, 13 methylberberine and dehydrocorybulbine, respectively.

Peak 45 showed a molecular ion at m/z 297 in MS spectra, and exhibited an ion at m/z 279 in MS2 spectra, which corresponded to three fragment ions at m/z 268 , m/z 227 and m/z 251 , showing the neutral loss of CO, H2O, Cabozantinib C2H5 and C3H6 in the fragmentation pathway. According to these data, peak 45 was tentatively identied as cryptotanshinone.

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